Some will mourn, a lot will celebrate but most, like me will think good and then move on. Lets face it he was a very bad man and deserved to die but regardless, I feel slightly uncomfortable watching the crowds high 5-ing outside the White House.
A breathless, red faced, Buck Howitzer, truck driver from Minnesota, someone who lives at the bloater end of the portly scale, perfectly captures my unease - "fuck yeh, we got him, God Bless America, Navy Seals, yeh, fucking murdering rag-head and anyone who disagrees with me is a homosexual-liberal-communist, ok?" a thin sliver of saliva runs down his chin(s) as he shouts at the night sky.
Its that same cringing feeling I get when see the Sun's infamous headline the morning after the Belgrano was sent to the bottom of the South Atlantic- probably a good thing but certainly not a wild celebration moment.
Anyhow, does anyone know who is now number one?
I assume this will be the person who has been rather anonymously sitting at number two all this time but other than this simple deduction I have no idea who he is. I am assuming he or she will probably have a beard, be brown-ish and most likely live in a country ending with "istan".
Its not really the worlds most wanted man though is it?
Its the US's (and their friends) most wanted list, I doubt very much Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would subscribe to the same list. He probably has his own list chock full of Israelis, Kim Jong Il 's will have everyone squashed into a top 10. You can imagine the question - does a nation of 240Million count as 1 or do we need to create a top 250Million?
No, to be more specific its the FBI's most wanted list and having just browsed through the mug shots I know know who is number 2 (or number 1 now). Firstly I was very wrong about his colour and ethnicity - its a very white chap called James J Bulger or "Whitey", yes really, to his friends. He is wanted for doing bad things, a lot of bad things, Goodfella style, back in the 1970s.
Looking down his list of crimes, 19 counts of murder, drugs, organised crime, jail, girls and pasta - its all there waiting to hit the big screen soon. James will be shown as a bad man of course, but with a good heart. He only kills when necessary and only other criminals, never civilian people and never, never women or kids. Yes he has his faults, yes he is a bad man but we will root for him right up until the end when the "good" guys get him or not as the case actually is.
Buck of course will be watching intently, BBQ Chicken Licken sauce dripping off his fingers as he secretly wishes he was running around New York in the 1970s.
I am not, of course, comparing this man with Osama Bin Laden. He was a man to be feared and planned the deaths of innocent people indiscriminately. However I am questioning who or what determines when someone is shown as a hero, anti-hero, villain or monster.
Alexander the Great is remembered as one of the greatest leaders of antiquity, revered even, but was responsible for at least, at least, 250,000 non-combatant deaths - basically that's women and kids to you and I.
No matter which way I try to spin this I find it pretty hard to shine a positive light on this but somehow Alexander has managed to do so.
Perhaps in time Osama, Hitler and Stalin will be seen in a similar light but I somehow doubt it.
Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said that "history is written by the victors" and this in the long run will prove to be Osama's undoing - he lost.
My favorite line: I am assuming he or she will probably have a beard, be brown-ish and most likely live in a country ending with "istan".