Looking around, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the little stream next to my house is babbling and my son is trying to figure out if our pet rabbits like to eat stones. All in all, if this is the end of the world then I’m not sure what all the fuss was about.
I have to add that scheduling it on a weekend was also pretty thoughtful of god.
No, of course the world didn’t end yesterday just because some mental preacher from the arse-end of America decides this will be the case. Apparently he worked out the date of damnation by interpreting the bible, in particular the concept that one day in gods time = 1,000 years in human time. A similar concept to dog years, just a bit longer.
This god-year concept allows Harold Camping, the stupidly named evangelist at the center of these claims, to calculate forward from the flood of Noah - the date of which according to him has been precisely proved at 4,990BC. This date is completely accurate his website states without offering any further proof.
From this point, with these facts (wild assumptions) it’s a case of straightforward addition which would brings us to May 21st 2011 - judgement day. This is the day a great earthquake will shake the earth, then 150 days from this earthquake the world will be destroyed.
Now it’s easy for me with the benefit of hindsight to point out that nothing happened yesterday but that aside there are some other, minor flaws, in what is otherwise a clearly well thought out and robust theory.
1. The concept of god-years, this is taken from a passage quoting god which reads something like ‘for me a day is like a 1,000 years’. I for one don’t read this a definitive proof that god years exist, I say shit like this all the time. That meeting went on forever. The weekend flew by – it only felt like a couple of hours. Could it be that god was just pointing out, given all the work he needs to get done, that it just felt like a 1,000 years.
Perhaps the task of Creation was so fucking dull it just felt like a 1,000 years.
2. Let’s assume for a second that god years do exist then my next issue is - why doesn’t this apply to the 150 days between earthquake and destruction? If he was to tell me that actually the world will end, not this October but 150,000 years from yesterday I would be distinctly less twitchy. Alternatively, perhaps he got his decimals confused and what god actually meant to say was 0.15 days or roughly 1 ½ hours (god time). With such ambiguity existing can you imagine the panic and confusion back when god is proclaiming all this:
A hill somewhere dusty and desert-like. Dark leaden clouds hang heavy above - awaiting a signal from the almighty. There’s discord within the assembled crowd, one brave man, bearded and wearing a dust covered sheet steps forward.
'With the greatest respect god, erm, but that’s not really giving us much time is it?'
God looks down at the man and around at his gathered flock, he smiles at their childlike logic.
'But lo hear me proper my child, for me 1 day is a thousand of your earth-years. 1 ½ hours is 150 days' he smiles warmly
'No I got that piece god, but still, 7 days, 150 days? – it’s not that long, really. Is it 7 days and 150 days of your days or our days? – its sorta, kinda, well, important you know'
He smiles again, this time trying to understand the confusion
'My days' he says quietly and then whispers to a nearby angel hovering at his shoulder 'It is isn’t it?'
The crowd visibly relaxes, after a few seconds a particularly smart small child shouts out proudly '2011?' (or he would’ve shouted this if he knew that that day was actually recorded in reverse around a date nearly 5,000 years in the future when someone called Jesus would be born).
God looks down at the small child and booms loudly 'well done my child'.
There is back smacking and high 5'ing all around, people are starting to move away, relieved and the cloud still sits there, intact.
The child meekly approaches god.
'So if that’s right god, then the actual, real, bonafide, end of the world will be, 2011 plus 150,000 years, right?'.
God looks to the angel, the angel just shrugs.
A little irritated now he responds 'My child, do not worry yourself with such matters, mathematics, science and logic are not part of the deal. Faith in your lord is all that matters, ok?'
The child looks up disappointed 'ok, I guess' and then starts to walk away, kicking the sand, deep in thought. He suddenly turns around, a big smile on his face.
'The year AD152,011?'
'Shut the fuck up would you?' With that god ascends back up, pissed off.
It starts to rain.
If the world is to end then so be it, if it was yesterday or in 150,000 years from now, there is not a lot you or I could do about it so what’s the point of worrying, or for that matter knowing about it.
I would suggest that given I am capable of typing this in the sunshine on a balmy Sunday afternoon Mr Camping will be keeping a very low profile right now.
I am also very sure that anyone who converted, in a last ditch attempt to cover all bases, will be significantly less likely to do so again and this leaves me wondering as to the motivation to speak out in the first place…