Even the name - Herman van Rompuy - sound a little too much Harry Potter to garner respect.
The BBC`s profile tells us the new EU President is a camera shy man, catapulted from obscurity. He has made it clear he will fulfill the role of chairman who`s tasks include liaising with EU leaders and arranging the EU`s annual summits. It is little wonder Tony Blair dropped out of the race as the job appears to be little more than a European party planner.
Basically he is an unknown, with no international credibility or ambitions and probably perfect for the EU. Did we really want Blair running the show, stirring up stuff, trying to change things, hogging the limelight, talking to people, leading?
No of course not, we want a quiet Belgian to sit in the office, live in the grace and favour house, enjoy the very fat salary and to make sure there is a very public, once a year, get together.
Dig a little deeper though and this man might surprise.
This is a man who`s Christian beliefs have found their way into his policies. In 2004 in response to a question on Turkey joining the EU he is quoted as saying "Turkey is not Europe and will never be Europe" He continued "But its a matter of fact that the universal values which are in force in Europe, and which are also the fundamental values of Christianity, will lose vigour with the entry of large Islamic country such as Turkey"
In short, Christian Europe = good. Christian / Islamic Europe = not so good.
Who knows - perhaps Tony Blair might have been a quieter option after all?
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